Patrick Yott

Associate Dean for Digital Infrastructure
Northeastern University Libraries

Patrick Yott is Associate Dean of the Library for Digital Infrastructure at Northeastern University.  His nearly 30 years of library service have focused on digital libraries from developing early web services to distribute 1990 Census data to overseeing complex ecosystems for supporting digital scholarship, publication, and preservation. He has served on the METS Editorial Board, the NELINET (EDUCAUSE) Digital Services Advisory Board, the Encyclopedia of Virginia Technical Advisory Board, various Boston Library Consortium working groups, LIS school advisory committees, and as the US Representative to the International Association of Social Science Information Service and Technology.  At Northeastern, Patrick oversees the Digital Scholarship Group, Research Data Services, and senior developers, as well as the Digital Production Services team, and has been a Co-PI on major grants from the NEH, the Mellon Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.